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» Performance and Impact Evaluation for PLAN Bolivia and The Netherlands
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Performance and Impact Evaluation for PLAN Bolivia and The Netherlands

Development of an approach for performance and impact evaluation for PLAN Bolivia and PLAN The Netherlands  Printer-friendly Version

Year:         2002-2004
Client:     PLAN The Netherlands (formerly: Foster Parents Plan) and PLAN Bolivia
Country:  The Netherlands and Bolivia 

PLAN The Netherlands was accepted by the Dutch Government as a co-financing organization in 1999. This meant that it became eligible for (sizeable) financial support from the development funds made available by the Ministry for Development Co-operation for this purpose. For reasons of accountability and improved learning, PLAN asked Especs to assist in developing an approach toward performance and impact evaluation, paying due attention to such issues as improving the planning process (and evaluability) and key elements necessary for the development of an evaluation policy that would increase the usefulness of evaluation results and recommendations. After a lengthy process devoted to clarification of evaluation needs and expectations, a first mission was fielded to Bolivia where PLAN has been active since many decennia (November 2003). The findings of the mission were received enthusiastically by both PLAN Netherlands and the PLAN staff in Bolivia. The proposal was finalized in April 2004 and is expected to be implemented and applied as from mid 2004 onwards.

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